Direct Credit Home Loans Logo

Level 4 Benson House

2 Benson St, Toowong Brisbane QLD 4066 Australia

8.30am - 5.00pm Mon - Fri



Here’s a range of documents and tools to aid in your customer’s planning and application for Resimac Funded Loans

Tools – Application Forms – Calculators for Resimac Funded Loans – Full Doc and Alt Doc Prime and Specialist Loans

Only to be used by accredited introduers of Direct Credit Home Loans Australia. If you would like to become an accredited Introducer / Broker, please contact us.

The Interest Rate Guide also details loan establishment costs.

This application form includes privacy forms

Checklist to be submitted with all applications

Alt Doc Declaration for borrower to complete

Alt Doc Declaration for Accountant to complete (In leau of BAS)

Identification checklist to be completed for each borrower

Credit card authority form for valuation fee’s

Servicing caluclator to be submitted with application When you open the calculator select “Enable Macros” if you are
requested to do so to ensure that the calculator operates as intended.

Our BAS income calculator assists working out self employed income from last 2 BAS statements When you open the calculator select “Enable Macros” if you are
requested to do so to ensure that the calculator operates as intended.

Resimac Acceptable location tool which will assist you assess acceptable postcod,LVR and product restictions


1800 000 800

Head office



After hours email

Trading hours

Australian Credit License