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Level 4 Benson House

2 Benson St, Toowong Brisbane QLD 4066 Australia

8.30am - 5.00pm Mon - Fri


Self Managed Super fund loan solutions

Self Managed Super fund loan solutions

If you have a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) then you probably assess its performance and discuss your investment options with your financial adviser.

But have you also discussed investing in property through your SMSF?

Buying an SMSF investment property can be a tax-effective way to build wealth for your retirement.
If you decide you want to go down that road, you can get help at Direct Credit Home Loans

We now offer facilities for you to purchase a domestic or commercial property for your SMSF.

Find out more info about Self Managed super funds from the Australian Taxation Office – here 

Our experienced staff will consider your application on its own merits, not based on the rigid algorithms or assessment criteria used by the mainstream banks.

#homeloans #SMSF #property

Want to buy a property as part of your SMSF? or even refinance to a more competitive rate with our fast refi option?

Call us on (07) 3726 1124 or email [email protected] to discuss your scenario directly with our credit team or jump over to our SMSF page